Waste Management

Everything on waste management

Everything on waste management

The everyday items rejected by neighbourhoods, businesses and industries cab be accumulated for reuse. Shire Skips is constantly seeking new ways to make use of waste and give it a second life.

Here at Shire Skips , we help you maintain environmental balance and make it easy for you to integrate recycling into your rubbish removal process. We are a waste management service provider who understands your business needs and industry. We follow the wastage recycling rules & regulations with the highest environmental standards, confidently and securely collect, process, treat, recycle and dispose of your waste.

General Waste and Recycling

Shire Skips can divert waste from landfills and improve sustainability rates with simple general waste and recycling management. We provide solid waste solutions, including general waste and recycling services, covering almost every suburb of NSW Australia, as well as commercial & industrial customers of all sizes.

Our comprehensive waste management solution includes general waste, commingled recycling, e-waste such as cardboard, paper, aluminium, glass and rigid plastics, cardboard & soft plastics recycling. We can help businesses identify & maximise recreation opportunities while minimising the weight of the general waste bin. Our services are customised to fit business needs, sizes and workflows.

Shire Skips offers waste management solutions for all your solid waste solutions & management needs. Through our waste management plans, we can help connect, optimise and simplify your wastage. Make the most of your general waste recycle through us.

What Happens To Your Wastage After Collection?

We collect all your wastage from the commercial and residential sectors. After collection, our professionals will do a visual check of the wastage. After inspection, they will separate waste into plastic waste, glass, general waste, e-waste, or textiles. The recyclables waste will then be moved to our recycling centre to be turned into new products and materials.

Collection - Inspection - Transport - Recycling

Every time a thing that you throw away gets sent to a landfill, valuable sources that went into making is wasted. Energy, water and other finite natural resources such as trees, oil and coal are overused. Without controlling these resources, the world depends on taking more raw materials from the environment to make new products. This lead to a scarcity of the resources in near future.

So, if your business wants to reduce the cost of commercial waste removal, then recycling is the way to go. Because the less waste you send to landfill, the less you pay, also your small contribution helps in balancing the environment.

Now, Contact Us to talk through your decisions or for an obligation-free quote. Our representative will help you to choose the right decision regarding your waste materials management.

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